
Rynn Carter Kelley -

You are One Year Old today. I can believe it, but I can't at the same time. The saying, "The days are long, but the years are short," has never resonated with me so much. As we celebrate you today, I wanted to take the time to say thank you.

Thank you Rynnie for teaching me to appreciate my body. I used to only appreciate it if it was toned and tan, but now I look at it in an entirely different light. It alone kept you alive the first eight months of your life. I am proud of it for doing so and all it went through to give birth to you. 

Thank you Rynnie for making me question my career. Slowing down was necessary in order to take care of you. I now know that work does not make up a person's worth, but I've never wanted to chase my dreams more in order to set an example for you - that you can do and be anything in this world if you have the courage to DO SO. 

Thank you Rynnie for making me question my actions. In everything I do, in how I react to situations, I always ask myself - Would this make my daughter proud? What example am I setting for her? Because of you, I've now become a kinder, gentler, more forgiving human being. 

Thank you Rynnie for showing me the joy a simple smile can bring. You flash your cheesy grin to every stranger at the grocery store and wave to everyone on walks. You brighten people's days just by being you. 

Thank you Rynnie for teaching me the true definition of 'selfless' love. It's definitely been the hardest job I've ever taken on, but even after all the blowouts, witching hours, and sickness, one of your toothy grins makes it all worth it. 

And lastly, thank you Rynnie for choosing me. Because as much as you needed me this year, it turns out I needed you even more...


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